Today's service (2/9/25) at still ON for this morning at 10am. Please use caution & leave extra time if you plan to travel. For those who are unable to attend, click HERE for the livestream via YouTube.

JoiN uS sundays at 10am

JReyes_Pulpit.JPGAs a result of what God has done for us through the cross, our mission is to glorify God by building a church whose purpose and passion are to know, love, and live for Jesus Christ.

At Christ Community Church we are seeking to be:

Training Center:

A context where believers are hearing and applying God's Word, established in sound doctrine, and equipped to live Christ-exalting lives.

Mission Base:

A church compelled to proclaim and demonstrate Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit to the Reading area and the world. In this, we will be acting locally and partnering globally through our rich relationship with Sovereign Grace Churches.


A place for weary and disillusioned believers to enjoy life and rest in Jesus. An oasis where all can be found refreshed in the grace of God; passionately worshiping the Savior; and cultivating caring, godly relationships.